Museo de Historia de Moscú
Excursions with Museum of Moscow History
Novaya Sq., 12

The Museum of Moscow History that is one of the oldest Museums of the city was established on the initiative of Russian scientific community in 1896. The basis of the new Museum collection was formed with the exhibits of the pavilion «Moscow» at the All-Russian Artistic and Industrial exhibition, which was held in Nizhny Novgorod in 1896. With time the Museum acquired a great number of articles depicting life in the city throughout its history, from Moscow's ancient beginnings to the present day. Among them there were various maps, drawings, photos, documents, sculptural models of city buildings and districts as well as everyday objects. The Museum's exhibition was housed in one of the Krestovsky Towers.
In the course of the 20th century the Museum happened to change its name and location more than once. Thus, since 1921 it was called Moscow Municipal Museum and was located in newly restored Sukhareva Tower that dates back to the 17th century. In the middle of the 1930s the General Plan of the Reconstruction of Moscow was issued and consequently the Museum moved into the building of the Church of John the Theologian «under the Elm», were it is located now. The Museum got its present name in 1987.
The Museum's rich collection of the archeological finds, ancient tools, jewelry, bronze and stone items tells about the most ancient period of Moscow history. The collection of maps and drafts shows how the city of Moscow changed from year to year. Numerous photos recreate the important occasions, celebrations and everyday life of Moscow since the middle of the 19th century. They show how the Muscovites lived, what they wore and how they spent free time. One of the richest Museum's funds is the documentary fund that features all kinds of documents — from notary's certificate to the menu for the ceremonial dinner in honor of coronation of Nicholas II and Alexandra Theodorovna that was hold in 1896.
The exhibition devoted to family and everyday life of the Muscovites is especially popular with the visitors. There original costumes, accessories, furniture and other everyday objects produced by talented Russian and European masters are exhibited.