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Ukraine Hotel

Building of skyscrapers started in the end of 1940. According to the town-planners, these towers had to renew Moscow historical centre. Skyscrapers embodied the splendour of Stalin Empire style.

Ukraine Hotel takes the honorary place among all these edifices. It is situated on Dorogomilovskaya bend of Moscow river, on the crossroad of New Arbat and Kutuzovsky avenue. 29-storeyed building with high spire and angle towers is seen from three different spots of the city, at night this hotel with illumination represents unique sight. The main facade of the hotel faces the Moscow river and city centre.

The building of Ukraine Hotel started in 1953, by the project of Mordovinov and Kapish architects, and Krasilnikov engineer. The building could be demanded the use of technical achievements and modern methods which would be provided for not only strength and safety of the hotel edifice, but organized work of hotel complex. The 26-storeyed edifice with living and technical floors was completed with spire where there was a Soviet symbol — sickle and hammer. Angle towers were meant for apartments. On the first floors there were lobbies, restaurant, banquet hall, library, and cafe. Two main stairs, situated on each side of central lobby were lead to elevator hall and winter garden with fountain. The facade of the hotel was decorated with soviet symbols too. The main entrance of the hotel was decorated with marble; the main adornment of the lobby was round plafond. Luxury interiors of Ukraine Hotel were equipped with parquet, bronze chandeliers, and massive furniture. The admiration of the Hotel was the collection of pictures of fifties.

In 1957 Ukraine Hotel placed the first guests and was became the largest hotel in Europe at once.

During many years Ukraine Hotel was the example of Stalin classicism, saving all interior elements of fifties. In 1997 Moscow government made a deal of reconstruction with First Hotel Service Management Ltd Swiss company, but it finished with building redecoration and facades washing.

In August, 2005 Moscow government made a decision to display Ukraine Hotel for auction, 100% of hotel's share were sold. Bisquit limited company became the owner of Ukraine Hotel, paid 270 millions rubles. The sale was carried out on the following terms — all facades, ground and first floors with restaurants and halls had to be restored; all stares, halls, 29-31 floors had to be saved.

In spite of these terms, devolution of Ukraine Hotel provoked a lot of negative responses. Anxieties about destruction of hotel's architectural originality were suggested repeatedly.

Time will show if these fears will come true or not. Since 28th of February, 2007 Ukraine Hotel was closed. Its opening is planed in 2011.